



Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, assists collagen synthesis. Humans are unable to produce vitamin C because a gene for this ability has mutated and no longer works properly. Therefore, the only way to get vitamin C into our body is via a food source or a reputable supplement. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant which prevents or reduces damage caused by free radicals.



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  • Repair Adrenal Burnout
  • Balance Acid/Alkaline pH
  • Relieve Stress
  • Improves Blood Flow
  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Regulate Blood Sugar
  • Reduces Arthritic Pain
  • Boosts Energy Levels
  • Reduces Wrinkles
  • Increase Oxygen Level


The role of Vitamin C in Diabetes

A 2007 study looked at 84 patients with type 2 diabetes who randomly received 500 or 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily for six weeks. The researchers discovered that the group supplementing with 1,000 mg experienced a decrease in fasting blood sugar, triglycerides, (LDL) and insulin levels. The dosage group with 500 mg did not produce any changes.

Vitamin C and glucose have a similar chemical structure. When both are high they compete with one another to enter the cells. If there’s more glucose around, less vitamin C will be allowed into the cells, creating a deficiency. Not only is it important to keep your C levels up, it’s just as crucial to keep your blood sugar levels stable with a low-glycemic diet.

University of California Berkeley, has shown that vitamin C can lower concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), a powerful predictor of heart disease & diabetes. For adults with high level of CRP, a daily dose of vitamin C lowered levels of the CRP after 2 months. The improvement is comparable to that of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

No Collagen without Vitamin C

Collagen is a protein found in the skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, eye, heart, and, in fact, essentially all parts of the body. Collagen has strong white fibers, stronger than steel wire of the same weight, and has yellow elastic networks usually together with macropolysaccharides, constitutes the connective tissue that holds our bodies together. Vitamin C is essential to the manufacture of collagen. It  is involved at every step in the synthesis of collagen in the body. A deficiency of vitamin C means a deficiency of collagen, which can lead to joint and bone pain, (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis), blood vessels becoming weak, gums bleeding, teeth falling out, and the immune system deteriorating.

Reverse Aging with Vitamin C

Collagen makes the skin strong and elastic, its degradation leads to wrinkles, loose and ageing skin. Even more important for health is the effect on the blood vessels. Deficiency causes them to lose their elasticity and causes distension and slack walls so that the valves no longer close properly. The blood stagnates in the lower legs and pools to form varicose veins. Now we can also understand sagging breasts and enlarged prostates as chronic vitamin C deficiencies rather than just advancing age.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) can cause of male-pattern baldness. It appears that prostate enlargement is the result of DHT combined with a weak venous system (PVD) while male-pattern baldness is due to DHT in a congested arterial system or CVD. All of these problems – ageing skin, rigid arteries, aneurisms, varicose veins, sagging breasts, enlarging prostates and male-pattern baldness are signs of chronic vitamin C deficiency. Increased vitamin C can help prevent these “signs of aging”.

The Powerful Vitamin C Flush

Health begins in the gut; and, thanks to antibiotics, chlorinated water, bad diet, food allergens, and vaccinations, almost everyone has a major problem in their gut. Chronic gut inflammation, raging like an out-of-control forest fire, causes digestion issues, skin eruptions, weak immunity, allergies, autoimmune illness and a host of other health issues. The Vitamin C Flush is the fire hose needed to subdue the flames so the gut can begin to heal itself.

Although the Flush results in an evacuation of the bowel, and will certainly solve any immediate constipation problems, it isn’t the same as “colon cleansing.” Colon cleansing involves taking specific agents that remove gunk from the colon. The Flush is different; its primary purpose is getting vitamin C into the tissues. It does however, remove metals and toxins and supports the good bacteria in your gut to grow again. A vitamin C flush delivers very high doses of vitamin C in order to achieve tissue saturation – and in the process, supports the immune system and rapid healing. A vitamin C flush can be done every season or whenever you are feeling run down or even after surgery or illness.

“I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of (vitamin C and lysine) … even cure it.” Linus Pauling

Dr Linus Pauling was the leading chemist of the last century and, arguably, the greatest ever American scientist. He is also a 2 time Nobel prize laureate. He coined the term orthomolecular (meaning “right molecules in the right concentration”) which characterized an approach to the prevention and treatment of disease and attainment of optimum health that was based on the physiological and enzymatic actions of specific nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids present in the body. Dr Pauling is well known for his work on mega dosing with Vitamin C, which he believed and proved with thousands of cases to be the one nutrient to support total healing in the body.

Dr Linus Pauling and his associate Dr Matthias Rath, published a definitive thesis on the root cause, treatment, and actual cure for all forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including congestive heart failure, heart disease, and stroke. The Pauling and Rath heart protocols in lower dosage levels will prevent cardiovascular disease and in higher dosages will actually reverse arterial plaque build up and reverse heart disease! Heart patients moving to the Pauling Therapy commonly avoid open-heart surgery and angioplasty. Almost without exception patients experience rapid recovery.







Their research shared that an insufficiency of vitamin C damages blood vessel walls. This damage triggers a biological “repair” process in which cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins deposit in the artery walls like a biological form of mortar. With time, this “repair” process can lead to a buildup of atherosclerotic plaque. The most effective “repair” molecule is a large, sticky substance known as lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)]. It was discovered that supplementation of vitamin C effectively decreased the deposition of Lp(a) along the artery walls and consequently decreased Lp(a) blood levels.


A side effect of vitamin C deficiency is high or low blood pressure. Hypertension is mainly associated with CVD and caused when the congestion of arteries and the blood vessel constricting effects dominate.

Hypotension is mainly due to weakness and loss of elasticity in the veins, leading to (Peripheral vascular disease) PVD. PVD is a blood circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels outside of your heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm.

This can happen in your arteries or veins.